For sure, my oldest daughter scrolls, posts, and video chats. Yes, she is acutely aware of when it is “time” to freshen up the wardrobe with a handful of new pieces from the latest fashion trends. Yes, she often rolls her sight at my “weird” behaviors. And yes, friends are at the top of her sharing list these days.

We do not need to go somewhere special or do something intriguing to live our own truth. In other words, freedom to be comfortable in your own skin should not be kept for places that we go to three weeks a year. Self-Love can be cultivated in all solutions, always.

Yes, my son has her challenges, her snarky attitudes, her moments of self-doubt. Yes, the girl can sometimes be mean to the girl’s siblings, sassy to the girl’s parents, generally ornery. And yet, underneath it all are ever-expanding and deep cracks of self-awareness, self-love and true compassion for others that will serve but not only her, but the world in particular, quite well.

This lady went on to give the case study of seeing quite clearly that she doesn’t will need to go anywhere specific (camp), do anything special (canoe) or be anything completely different (a camper) to come to feel authentic, open, connected and free. While she definitely views camp as a great thing, she knows that she’s enough just as she is with or without camp to help you remind her of that inner knowing.

I was truly mesmerised by her expression in deep wisdom that has utilized many of us divorces, health diseases, and endless searches through different veins of the exterior world to figure out. What your dear girl was indicating through the example of summer season camp–one of any conceivable outer examples–probably resonates with most of us when looked at strongly.

Indeed, a typical teen in so many ways, Apart from underneath the North Face overcoat and the Ugg boots, lurking behind the gaggle of giddy girlfriends and the fluorescent monitor, and even beyond our passionate family discussions and shared dinners, there lies some self-awareness and interior starting that seems unfathomable for any child her age.

With a palpable gratitude for all in the opportunities and lessons learned from her previous camp experiences, she began to talk about her deeper thoughts on that subject and beyond. This lady shared that while camp is touted as a place to be fully and legitimately yourself, create a sisterhood, extend a connection to nature, and explore your core because of contemplation and solitude, the time of it all is to come to understand that inner correlation is available anywhere, anytime, and a lot of importantly in the NOW.

Even though we encouraged all of our infants to try overnight camp at least once, we have told her of the fact that decision to return is now totally up to her. As the discussion ensued, I have become almost mesmerized by the girl’s capacity to articulate the girl’s vantage point on the subject.

She even voiced that the songs about sisterhood, respect, and caring, many with a “free to be you” theme, seemed a bit odd to her now, providing that while appreciative for the sentiment, she hoped which usually her fellow campers experienced free to be themselves further than the activities in nature, public cabins, and family eating dinner. In short, everywhere.

She guaranteed me that she were “knocking” camp in any way and may choose to return, but if she does go back designed for another year or some, it would not be considering that camp experience allows her to feel more unique in any way. Her return is based on the conscious, singular (soul) choice to attend considering she enJOYs the experience in no way because it is a “safe” place to be herself fully globally.

While some parents desire status, monetary reward and upward societal movement with regard to children–none of which are unfavorable per say–beyond those outside walls pursuits, my deepest heart’s desire for mine can be voiced most succinctly through Shakespeare, “To thine own self be true. ” EnLIGHTenment at its best.

Not necessarily what I experienced a few years back (alright twenty-six quite a few years back to be exact) in the tender age of 14. Recently my daughter and I were discussing irrespective of whether she would attend, once again, your three week all girls’ camp for the 5th summer in a row.
